Welcome to the world little man.

I loved being pregnant. I was always showing off my baby bump at any given oportunity. I would always have a protective hand over my bump too, even without knowing it. I loved the way my body changed and blossomed around my pregnancy.

When I was expecting the little man, I was a little bit obsessed with reading up on everything baby and bump related. I’m sure most of you, if not all of you can relate to this. I had a vast collection of apps on my iPod and checked all of my updates religiously on a daily basis. As soon as I had read something new I would chew the big mans ears off for hours.

I even went as far as having three or more baths a day just so I could pour water on my belly to watch the little man wriggle about 🙂

Because my pregnancy went so smoothly (yes, I was one of the lucky few that suffered with zero morning sickness for a whole 9 months!) I expected my labour to go just as well too.

When my due date of 02-03-11 arrived I sat waiting patiently for the contractions to start. Nothing happened. I tried every trick in the book, raspberry leaf tea, chunks of fresh pineapple and even hot Curry’s to see if this would help the little man on his journey.

The little man was obviously very content in there and didn’t want to come out. Finally on 05-03-11 at 8.30pm I started to get little twinges every now and again. I was so excited at the thought that my baby would be arriving into the world at anytime, I had my mum and dad on standby to take us to the hospital when things progressed further.

My contractions got stronger and stronger over the next few hours so we called the hospital but we were told as I didn’t sound like I was labour there was no need for us to come in. My contractions continued, worsened and came and went faster and faster for the next 3 days but the hospital still told me to take a bath and have a paracetamol. Did paracetamol work for anyone? It definitely did nothing for me.

Now me being a first time mummy, I thought this was normal. Obviously if fully trained midwives are telling you everything is fine and you don’t need to come to the hospital you automatically believe them and listen to what they have to say as they are fully trained in this area of expertise.

That night the big man decided enough was enough and called the ward to tell them we were coming up to the delivery suit shortly. My mum and dad arrived to take us and by this point I was absolutely exhausted.

I was admitted to the delivery suit no questions asked. Before I knew it I was hooked up to a heart monitor to check how the little man was doing. Straight from the off it wasn’t good. With each contraction the little mans heartbeat was dropping from 135 to below 50. I was still only 3 cm, but my contractions were showing that I should have been in the last stages of labour.

Six agonising hours later the surgeon decided that an emergency c-section was necessary and they whipped me off down to theatre. I remember kicking up a fuss stating that I wasn’t to be put to sleep under no circumstances so that the big man could be there to see our baby boy being born. All of this was in vain though, because as soon as that epidural kicked in I was out for the count, snoring away on the operating table, much to the aneasthetists’ amusement.

Every now and then I would come back around to see the big man whispering ‘you’ll be ok, I love you etc.’ As much as I knew he meant it I think he was saying it more to calm himself than anything else. With Adele’s Make you feel my love playing in the background our little bundle of joy was brought into the world on 10-03-11 @3:41am.

I couldn’t believe he was here. My little baby boy. Finally after 5 days of trying to escape he was here. Weighing in at 5lbs 8oz he was quite small. You could see where he had lost his weight as his skin was hanging from him in places where you could tell he was quite chunky before he lost his ‘brown fats’

There was a lot of complications following his birth, he needed to be treated in special care for two weeks for meningitis. Fortunately everything has turned out ok. He is a perfectly healthy little boy with an amazing cheeky personality and he never fails to make me proud on a day-to-day basis.

My proudest and most magic moment was bringing my little angel into the world. As soon as he was born I told the big man I would happily do it all over again in heartbeat. However he is still waiting for me to say when 🙂

I have Linked up with Magic moments with @oliversmadhouse

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